Assalamouilaikoum, After Fajr prayer, I decided to sleep a bit. I dreamt of a small spring with flowing water in an unknown place. It was beautiful and clean. I don’t know how i managed to reach level up with the spring such that i was standing right beside it on a stone. Then in my thoughts i was saying to myself that I have reached the top, i have to descend now. And i managed to go down to a certain extent but failed to reach down due to fear of the bite of a black snake. I was shaking it off.
wa `alaykum salam,
Alhamdulillah the pure crystal flowing water indicates satisfying your spiritual thirst at the fountain of knowledge of our mashaykh, represented by the stone, which means they are the qiblah of our hearts and our constant support. Starting to descend and encountering a snake is a sign of weakness in opposing your ego and following your desires.
Keep to the daily awrad and insha-Allah you will defeat that evil, with the baraka of our Naqshbandi mashaykh.
Taher Siddiqui