I dreamt that there were these little toddlers who could walk & talk and they came several time to bully my little brother who is about 12 . He tried to fight back but the toddlers always won… Then all of a sudden my dad cam and they go away but with him he brings these huge coconuts with pineapple leaves on top. He and my eldest brother start filling the driveway with them and I ask what they are doing and my brother replies “protecting the house from a fire” then I say “this will make it hard to escape”. and he again replies ” oh yes “. Then I hide under my parents bed eating weirdly and my big brother finds me.
Please interpret as I’m confused thanks.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
I think this dream is due to some fears you may have or anxieties. I would not worry much about it.
Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed