This happened on the 14th july at 5:09 pm the time I woke up from sleep.
I saw a dream, most of it I cant remember but the parts I do remember was me and him we were in a small room cleaning prayer mats. He was cleaning some and then I was the one I didn’t clean properly maybe or fully he took and he finished it off. My two brothers were there doing tasbih, but we carried on. Someone was talking to the shaykh and I was cleaning a prayer mat that I think had vomit on it and cleaning it with white washing powder by hand. As I didn’t fully finish this one me and the shaykh switched prayer mats and he started to do the one I was doing and I woke up.
Allah hafiz.
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
A prayer mat in a dream represents a pious woman, or it could mean receiving a religious duty, or a spiritual appointment. So, the shaykh is taking care of your shortcomings and purifying you in spite of your inability to properly perform your religious duties (e.g. five prayers, zakat, siyam, hajj, sadaka, not to get angry, etc.). So vomiting means repenting. By the baraka of your Shaykh, you are repenting spiritually through your heart and whatever mess you are making, the Shaykh is taking are of it. He is purifying you and then you’re making yourself dirty. This process keeps on repeating on a daily basis (indicated by the switching of the mats). Two brothers making tasbih means your ancestors (father’s side and mother’s side) were very pious and because of their dua you are lucky, Insha Allah.
Syed Shahzaman