Dream: Talking to a boy I know & rainbows


In the dream it was the night before my elder sisters wedding (she’s getting married in reality) and it was raining. By morning the rain stopped and a boy called at my home (we used to be friends before, I even sent you another dream with him in it – title: meeting a boy I know) I spoke to him and pretended I was talking to a girl cause my mom was around and she was slightly suspicious too. After I hung up I saw through the window rainbows. They went really high into the sky and my memory says there were 3 of them. The room from which I was looking through the window – me, my other sister and brother were sitting. The sunlight was very bright and beautiful in the room through the window.


This dream can mean that the house represents yourself. The rainbows can represent your family or receiving good news after hardship.

And Allah (awj) knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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