I had a dream about my brother, his name is [private], mine is [private], please keep these private. We’re both Naqshbandi Tariqa murids.
In the dream we realize my cousin has a jinn. The jinn says if it leaves her body her baby will die (my cousin is divorced and not pregnant). Later in the dream it appears that the jinn is now in my aunty. My brother starts praying. He says he needs an ‘arsh’ tasbeeh, my younger brother provides him with one, I notice on one of the beads the name Allah is written. He starts to hit my aunty’s stomach with the tasbeeh and the jinn is reacting. He then asks for my tasbeeh, which was a gift from Madina, to help.
a)What does this mean?
b)Does this dream hold any significance for my brothers, or for myself, or both?
Alaykum Salam,
The contents of the dream that mentions the name of Allah is the trustworthy part of the dream and signifies dhikr of Allah Most High, which is your protection and ours here and hereafter.
Hajj Gibril Haddad