Dream: Dhikr Circle, Presence of Dajjal


Salam sheikh,

In my dream, there is a circle that we runs for shelter from the Dajjal. I don’t see him. It came twice. When we know it’s coming, we run to the circle. But no guarantee we could be safe. IT IS THE HARDEST TEST IVE EVER HAD! IT IS SO TRICKY. I remember in the circle first time, Habib Ali was there. It helps and we remain safe. But the second time, it was harder. We are on our own. I have my kids and protecting them the best I could. SOMEONE COULD TRICK US AND TAKE OUR MINDS OFF THAT AUTOMATICALLY WE COULD BE OUT! Everyone is making a lot of zikr non-stop and someone in the circle is trying to talk to me but I am STRUGGLING to maintain my zikr in order to keep in the circle.


Alaykum Salam,

Safety is with the Awliya, the circle represents following their path along with the community of murids and group worship/dhikr, humbly and with perseverance.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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