Dream: The year 2012 and a tsunami


Asalaam u alaykum,

My younger sister before going to sleep last night made dua that Allah forgives all her sins and makes her a better person, as she feels she struggles with the Deen. That night she dreamt she was in our city centre (Dundee, Scotland) and that a huge tidal wave was sweeping through. In the dream she knew it was the year 2012. She then in the dream came home to tell me and warn me about the wave. At that moment a handsome man on a carpet (or levitating) came to the window. He handed a piece of paper which had ‘ Baraka‘ written in arabic. She looked at me and asked what does this mean. I replied saying ‘you know what it means, blessing’. And then she woke up. Please help us interpretet this dream.



wa `alaykum salam

Insha-Allah that dream is an indication that your sister’s repentance was accepted. Dundee means “fire fort”, and baraka is blessings, so this city is blessed and insha-Allah the meaning of the tsunami enveloping the city is that Islam will come to the city like flood, unexpectedly and nothing can prevent it, making it a literal protection from the Fire, and Allah knows best. And that will come on the hand of awliyaullah, as represented by the young man on the flying carpet.

This dream reflects the good tidings our master Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani has informed us about the West that in the Last Days of this nation, many Westerners will enter Islam, and that is no more exemplified than in Mawlana’s own example of da`wah, presenting Islam in all its original sweetness and perfection, and on whose hands perhaps hundreds of thousands have entered the fold of this hallowed faith.

On this very topic in The Approach of Armageddon: an Islamic Perspective, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani wrote:

Westerners Enter Islam

The Prophet (s) gave an indication in the following hadith, that in the Last Days of this world the people of the West (al-maghrib) would enter Islam in large numbers.

حدثنا عبدالملك بن شعيب بن الليث. حدثني عبدالله بن وهب. أخبرني الليث بن سعد. حدثني موسى بن علي عن أبيه، قال: قال المستورد القرشي، عند عمرو بن العاص:
سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول “تقوم الساعة والروم أكثر الناس”. فقال له عمرو: أبصر ما تقول. قال: أقول ما سمعت من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. قال: لئن قلت ذلك، إن فيهم لخصالا أربعا: إنهم لأحلم الناس عند فتنة. وأسرعهم إفاقة بعد مصيبة. وأوشكهم كرة بعد فرة. وخيرهم لمسكين ويتيم وضعيف. وخامسة حسنة وجميلة: وأمنعهم من ظلم الملوك (مسلم في كتاب الفتن)

Mustawrid al-Qurashi (r) narrated the following hadith to ‘Amr Ibn al-`As (r) when he visited the latter’s home:
Mustawrid al-Qurashi (r) said that he heard the Prophet (s) saying, “(When) the Hour (Last Days) comes the Rum will be the majority of people.” When ‘Amr Ibn al-`As heard this he said in astonishment, “Watch what you are saying!” Mustawrid al-Qurashi (r) said, “I am saying what I heard from Allah’s Messenger (s).” ‘Amr Ibn al-`As (r) said, “If you say this is true, then it is believable in that they have four particular good qualities: They are the most calm and patient people in the face of trials and tribulations. They restore themselves to their senses after trouble (to try to solve the problem). They attack again after flight. They are good to the needy, the orphans and the weak. A fifth good quality in them is that they do not stand for the oppression of tyrants.”

This is a very interesting hadith of the Prophet (s) which many people in the past glossed over because, until recently, it was not well understood. Muslims accord little importance to this hadith although it is very well documented and accepted even by the late “Salafi” writer Nasir al-Din Albani who rejected so many other hadiths. Albani tried to whittle down the hadith body as much as he could, yet when he “corrected” the books of sahih hadiths to take out the narrations which he thought were false he could not reject this hadith. To survive such a process whereby many other sound and established hadiths were rejected indicates that this hadith is especially strong and unquestionably valid. Despite the fact that this hadith is accepted by all scholars and is mentioned in Sahih Muslim, Muslims all too easily have ignored it. Because the significance of this hadith was not understood, Muslims of the past did not appreciate how clearly it reveals the greatness of the Prophet (s). Today the meaning has become clear. Before entering into the discussion of this hadith, let us reiterate that this is only an explanation of the Prophet’s (s) hadith without any implications of support or criticism for any political regime.

Al-Qurashi (r) mentioned to ‘Amr Ibn al-`As (r) that the Prophet (s) said that “ar-Rum will be the majority of people.” In the past non-Muslims were referred to as `Ajam (Persians) and Rum (Romans). Any people from Europe or other areas outside the Arabian Penninsula were referred to as Rum. In fact ar-Rum has two meanings, one of which is the those Ahl al-Kitab (People of the Book), and in this particular case such as live in Eastern Europe.

The second meaning, to which this hadith apparently refers, is those of Constantinople (modern day Istanbul), the European peoples and Western civilization in general. The Prophet (s) is speaking about ar-Rum who will be the largest group and the majority of people in the Last Days. Today, there are 1.2 billion Muslims, but all the Ahl al-Kitab combined are more numerous than that. The Prophet (s) said that ar-Rum would be the most numerous when the Hour took place. This is a very moving statement for Muslims because it indicates that the Hour is near.

The Prophet (s) also said that Islam will enter every home on earth, so when Mustawrid al-Qurashi (r) related the hadith of the Rum being the majority to ‘Amr Ibn al-`As (r) he was surprised, saying, “What are you saying? Be careful! This contradicts the hadith of the Prophet (s) that Islam will enter every home.” Al-Qurashi (r) replied, “I am saying what I heard the Prophet (s) say.” ‘Amr Ibn al-`As (r) then agreed and described the good qualities of the Rum, which indicated that they were people who would easily come into Islam. They are the most calm and patient people in the face of tribulation and confusion. That is, they keep their wits about them and try to find a solution to the problem at hand. They restore themselves to their senses after trouble, and quickly recover to a normal state after a tragedy. Along similar lines, they try to make people around them aware of the problem in order to solve it. They attack again after the retreat. They are good to the needy, the orphans and the weak, as they support humanitarian causes around the world. The fifth good quality mentioned is that they do not stand for the tyranny of leaders over the people, which means they support human rights.

Imam Bukhari comments that this hadith of ar-Rum being the majority indicates that “in the Last Days ar-Rum will enter Islam. Because these good qualities are only found in people with faith (iman) (hadha yadullu, wa Allahu ‘alam, inn ar-ruma sayaslamuna fi akhir iz-zaman…).”

‏ ‏حدثنا ‏علي بن حجر ‏حدثنا ‏عبد الله بن جعفر ‏حدثني ‏ثور بن زيد الديلي ‏عن ‏أبي الغيث ‏عن ‏أبي هريرة ‏قال
‏كنا عند رسول الله ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏حين أنزلت سورة ‏الجمعة ‏فتلاها فلما بلغ {وآخرينَ مِنْهُمْ لمّا يَلْحَقُوا بِهِمْ} ‏قال له رجل يا رسول الله من هؤلاء الذين لم يلحقوا بنا فلم يكلمه قال ‏وسلمان الفارسي ‏فينا قال فوضع رسول الله ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏يده على ‏سلمان ‏فقال والذي نفسي بيده ‏لو كان الإيمان ‏بالثريا ‏لتناوله رجال من هؤلاء ‏
‏قال ‏أبو عيسى ‏هذا ‏حديث حسن ‏وقد روي من غير وجه عن ‏أبي هريرة ‏عن النبي ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏وأبو الغيث ‏اسمه ‏سالم ‏مولى ‏عبد الله بن مطيع ‏مدني (يعْني الفارس و الرّوم) (في ٍسنن التِّرْمذي في كتاب المناقب و البخاري في كتاب تَفْسير القرْآن و أحْمد في مسْنده

Imam Bukhari supports this conclusion with another hadith in which the Prophet (s) said:
I swear by the One in Whose Hand is my soul (Allah), if faith were in the skies (heavens) the first people to go catch it would be the Rum and Persians.

Imam Bukhari supports this conclusion with another hadith in which the Prophet (s) said:

I swear by the One in Whose Hand is my soul (Allah), if faith were in the skies (heavens) the first people to go catch it would be the Rum and Persians.

That is, the non-Muslims will be running to catch faith (Islam) even if it is in the heavens. Thus, the Prophet (s) predicted fourteen hundred years ago that the Western peoples would enter Islam in the Last Days and this is what we are seeing today. Despite all the obstacles they face, Westerners are entering Islam in droves by Allah’s grace. This is not difficult for Allah as:

وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ

{Allah guides whomever He wishes. } (al-Qasas 28:56)

[end of cite]

Taher Siddiqui

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