Dream: Throwing away an insect-ridden apple


I dreamed of crossing a stairway with friends in which we got separated. I passed lots of bad men (gang members I think). A bad guy sold me an apple, which I purchased quickly without really looking at it to get away. On the way I had to go past a mutilated body. I walked away unharmed by the men, they all moved out of the way as I walked past. Once making it out of the area I am very disturbed and upset about the body and how no one seemed to care about it. Later I pulled out the apple (which was not rotten) from my bag to find it had a large bite already out of it and it was crawling with bugs. I threw the apple away and vacuumed my bag and contents.


audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

salam `alaykum,

Your dream shows the corruption of religion and spiritual knowledge.  It shows how Allah guided you and protected you so that you were not affected by the bad men who represent corrupted scholars.  You were able to reject their falsehood and clean yourself from their contamination.  And Allah knows best.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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