I had a dream that I was with my three children at dark road, suddenly I heard noise that tiger is free and there is danger. Suddenly when I want to move the tiger was coming towards us. I was scared and not be able to move. Then I saw that one old guy Mawlana type came in a Jeep and asked me to take that car and run from there and told me not to look back because that place is not good me. I have four kids but in dream, my three kids were with me. I drove from there with my three kids.
As Salaam alaikum,
This dream refers to how trusting, and following the way of Awliya will protect you and family from the harmful characteristics that destroy our lives/character. Also the importance of staying with Haqq and not intentionally returning to destructive habits.
Wallahu Alam,
Kamau Ayubbi