Dream: To Muslim Lands … Cuba?


All the mureeds are there (maybe in a stadium) or perhaps the whole world is there. Then Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, Hajjah Anne, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and Hajjah Naziha came in. Everybody stood up out of respect. Everybody was very happy. They seated us then asked for people to go to Muslim Lands. I (and my family) volunteered along with some other mureeds. We were elated at this opportunity. Then Hajjah Naziha came and looked at a beautiful wooden cabinet made of darkwood (belonged to a mureed who wondered if she could take this cabinet with her to the Muslim Lands) and said, “This can’t go.” I thought, “Oh, furniture can’t go.” Then I was standing close to all four of them and Hajjah Naziha said, “You are going to Cuba.” I thought to myself, “Good opportunity for our family to learn Spanish.” Then she continued, “First you will go on vacation there for some time.” I thought that she means first we’ll go to check it out, then go back again. Also at this time I saw the logo of the Chase Bank.

Forgive me for errors and bad adab. Thank you for interpreting.


Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Your family have been chosen to go to a Muslim land, meaning Insha-Allah you will be supported spiritually by the four pious people you saw to practice Islam in your lives without hypocrisy. Wood symbolizes religious hypocrisy associated with hardness of the heart. This is a big honor for your family, but you need to be careful against lack of sincerity caused by the love of dunya/money symbolized by the Chase Bank logo. Going to Cuba means you will be going to lands where Islam is not in practice by majority and Insha-Allah you will call people to the Sufi teachings of Islam.

Syed Shahzaman

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