Dream: Two dreams of Kaaba



I had this dream last Ramadan:
I can see into a room where Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham are initiating a young man. However, the door is closed in my face I am told it is not my time.
Next I am on the moon and there is a snowstorm. Hajji’s dressed in white are going around what is meant to be the kaaba on the moon, but instead is a shallow pool of rotten water (I am told The Prophet (s) has put it there instead of the kaaba).

Next dream:
I am in Mecca going round the kaaba but I am so close to it that I can’t see it all. My sister tells me I can’t complete my hajj because I can’t do Arafat and Safaa & Marwa until I’m 29.
(I had this dream 3 months before my 29th birthday; I am now 29)



wa `alaykum salam,

The young man represents your spirituality. Your spirit has received initiation but your physicality is not yet prepared for that.

Snow is a blessing as are the hajjis in white, representing angels. The moon represents the Caliph of the Prophet (s) and seeing the rotten water, means the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) has been replaced by false and wrong practices devoid of the true spirit of the Sunnah.  The dream signifies that the true Caliph of the Prophet (s) will soon appear, first with indications in the hearts of believers, then with a physical appearance, re-establishing the Sunnah of the Prophet (s).

Being so close to Ka`abah you can’t see it means to be lost in the Divine Presence. Similarly the reference to the 29th represents the station of fana, annihilation, for on the 29th of the month the moon is dark. Guiding saints are informing you that while you have some way to go in the path of Sufism to achieve annihilation of the self, but it is not too far. At that time you will taste Paradise in this life, (symbolized by `Arafat), and you will achieve the station of Hijrah (immigration in Allah’s Way) and quenching your thirst at the fountain of divine knowledge. These are grants to you by your guiding saints.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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