Dream: Two goats copulating


Recently I visited an extended relative who expressed distress over her marital situation. She is a young girl with little children. I mentioned the Du`a at-Tawassul at Naqshbandi.org to her. That same night I dreamt of goats in her living room. I thought to myself that maybe the rich and crazy king is trying to raise goats in a desert. I look outside in her yard and see a metallic structure with eight cubes; each cube had a small branch of fresh leaves for the goats. Twice I entered the girl’s living room and twice I saw two huge goats copulating on the living-room sofa.

The words that come to mind in describing the two goats are great, huge, old.
Thank you very much for interpreting the dream. JazakAllahu khayra.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salam,
If your relative can be patient with her current situation she will reach to a time of great prosperity and happiness, insha-Allah. Du`a at-Tawassul is excellent for any need.

Dr. Karim

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