Assalamualaikum ya Sayyidi Syeikh Hisham and Company…please tell me the signs of these dreams:
1-i few days ago,i dreamt of mawlana Syeikh Nazim.. he gave me a dirty knife(sort of) and its like he told me to cleanse it,then in my house i hammer the knife like a blacksmith and i heard voice regarding Rasulullah SAW…end
2- 2 weeks ago,in my dreams i got 2 tasbeeh in my hands,both with multiple beautiful colours red,blue,purple seems like it was made of diamonds/stones..
3-i have rings that contain jinns living in them,i was told that theyre muslims..one day i said to them(to the rings)to leave and dont be in service except just for Allah…that night i saw 2 people with white dress circling the madinah Mosque…Jazakallah
wa `alaykum salam,
1) la ilaha ill ‘Llah is the sword of believers, erasing falsehood and false idols. Use it daily (as our Shaykh recommends 100x after Salat al-Fajr) in your Jihad against your lower self and seal it with Muhammadun Rasulullah (s) and 10x Salawat.
2) that shows you the real value of dhikr.
3) Jinns are servants to mankind and so seeing them circling the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah after ordering them to worship Allah alone, shows you will have authority over them as long as you are obedient to Allah and constant in worship, and Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui