In 1997 I laid on my back on the floor of the masjid with my head facing Kaba. Suddenly light poured down upon my head and a voice said “There is no obedience in disobedience”. Then Prophet Muhammad (S) lifted his forhead from my own forehead and kneeled on my chest as if I were his prayer rug. What does this mean about the forehead and my being a prayer rug?
wa `alaykum salam,
Mabruk for such a magnificent dream!
This dunya was created from the light of the Prophet (s) and the Prophet (s) is the perfect servant of Allah. All his actions are obedience and worship. His using you as his prayer-rug is to show you his light in yourself, and your station is to be an obedient and worshipful servant of the Lord. By doing so, you will be inheriting from the Prophet (s) the station of a perfect obedient and worshipful servant of Allah, inasmuch as in the dream you were in fact mirroring the Prophet’s actions, his sajda being on your forehead.
This dream is a demonstration of what our Grandshaykh `Abdullah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q) has said, as conveyed to us by Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani: that every murid, open his or her death, will be granted to complete a lifespan of 137 years, and all of it in perfect worship of Allah, on the “footsteps” of our mashaykh who in turn are on the footsteps of Sayyidina Muhammad (s). That is the gift of our mashaykh to the murids, simply for taking initiation and alhamdulillah for that.
and Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui