Salam wa alaykum wonderful staff of eshaykh.com, may Allah bless all of you and give you long and healthy lives.. Thank God for such website.
I had asked this question more than a month back however I have not received an answer, for this reason I am re-posting it as was instructed on the website.
A few months ago I was reading Surah Yaseen in bed late at night and once I finished, as I was laying in the dark, I saw the face of our Prophet (s) in front of me. I felt this immense love emanating from him and fill my heart as well. The strength of the love was so strong that I do not think an ordinary human can experience such a strong feeling of love under ordinary circumstances.
Inshallah I hope you can shed some light on what I experienced above.
Salam wa aleykum
wa `alaykum salam,
Yasin is one of the blessed names of the Prophet (s) and at the same time Surah Yasin is the heart of the Quran. Reciting this surah with love, drew the attention of the Prophet (s) towards you. Feeling that extraordinary love, that is beyond one’s capacity is actually sensing the holy Prophet’s love towards you, as his love to all human beings.
w ‘Allahu `alam,
Taher Siddiqui