Dream: Visit to mawlana Shaykh nazim place


Dream : i & my sister went to visit mawlana, located at a very high mountain. We were waiting to talk to mawlana and noticed people asking him questions. i intended not to ask questions but ask for mawlana barakah, then he told us we can go back. We wanted to leave(go back home) but not able to find way out. also saw some murids making food using firewood. then we came to a place exit, a very steep narrow staircase downwards filled with shits/dirts. There was a lady n man at the end of staircase who wanted to come up but when they saw the dirty staircase they left. We left to look for another exit but unable to find way out. Was worried if we cant go back home how to survive in mawlana place and dont have sufficient money to support our stay there. Dream ended.


a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Alhamdulillah, you are keeping good adab in the dream and coming to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim asking for blessings. Too much questioning is a sign of doubt and your intention of seeking baraka will bring you the best reward.  Your dream coincides with what Mawlana Shaykh Nazim was saying in his suhbat this week regarding people not coming to visit him in Cyprus for more than three days due to the general climate of turmoil and uncertainty in the world.  Mawlana also said to keep 40 days supply of food in your house.  The people at the bottom of the stairs show those who are not coming on this spiritual way, unwilling to pass through hardship or difficulty to reach a spiritual treasure. May Allah keep us all safe with Mawlana’s baraka and prayers.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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