Dream: Wearing green turban



I had a dream with many and only Habaib (Habib) in one house,and then I got ijazah to wear a turban by Habib Umar from Yemen. Habib was wearing me a green turban, and after I got the ijaza for wearing the turban I followed all the Habaib where there going. Another dream with mawlana Sk. Nazim in his dergah and  I told Mawlana that dream, then he said that I from Ahlul Bait.


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

Wa `alaykumu’s’Salaam,

This dream can mean that Shaykh Nazim has the final word and explanation of your
dream because He is Sultan ul Awliya. And what he said to you is true. Masha’Allah.

And Allah (awj) knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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