Respected shaykhs may Allah swt reward you for your humble effort. I recently bought a house, Ahumdulillah. I had a dream about this house. The dream was me my dad and the house owner were in the back of the house were there is a small wooden shed.
The house owner shows us the inside of the shed and I can see a lot of white frail chickens sitting on the 3 shelves. There must have been about 15 chickens approx.
Jazakallah for your time
Please pray for me
Alaykum salam,
They represent the “egg” (bayda) of your Islam in the sense of its purity and potential, and is an excellent sign of what your new house will help you achieve of spiritual growth in sha Allah. Slaughter a goat or sheep and give away one third as sadaqa to the poor.
Hajj Gibril Haddad