Dream: White flag on heavens


Selamun aleyke!
I had a dream that I have met on one place on earth with a group of people, number around 15-20 people. They all look a like, had a high forehead, or to say bold, and all looked like Iranian’s. It was like they are all one and the same person. I remember that I thought that they all look like Hazrati Ali aleyhiselam.

We then went up to some starcaise, to a elevator. When we came out of elevator Earth was so far away, that was almost unvisible, and we came into a white large floor on which was in the middle a big white flag, and probably a shahada written on it. Someone greeted us, and welcomed us, but I cant remember his face or figure!
Jazak Allah Khayren, and Selamun aleyke!


wa `alaykum salam,

InchaAllah, you saw Sayyidna Ali (r) in your dream or some of his pious children. This is an indication inchaAllah of your piety.

Allah knows best.

Ali Elsayed

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