Dream: White Horses


I recently dreamt of being kissed by a man unknown to me but who in my dream seemed to represent someone who loved and cared for me deeply. This theme of great comfort, joy and love tends to occasionally reoccur in similar ways over the last years since I have become a single/divorced mother.
The difference this time is that when I closed my eyes within the dream I saw several translucient heads of white horses beyond or within the head of the man who was kissing me.
I tend to think the comforting man (who is never the same in the dream) simply represents my longing to have a peaceful, loving and healthy relationship with a husband, but this time the white horses really seemed to be a strong symbol of something I do not quite understand.
Thank you for your insight.
May Allah swt forgive me.


a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

The subtle white horses indicate a potent spirituality that is being passed to you. Your patience through difficulties is not without notice, and in sha Allah you will find ease and realize your hope.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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