Salam aleykoum wa rahmatullah wa barakatouh.
Hope you all are in good health insha Allah.
Recently, I was thinking about Mawlana, and suddenly “fell asleep” and found myself in the middle of a circle of people clapping hands slowly and singing salawat. There was a sheikh in front of me, I asked him “who are you?”
– we are the Qadiri, Naqshbandi, Shadhili without addition.
– and what about Naqshbandi-Haqqani” and if I remember well :
– that’s a different matter, and they’re adapted for their time”.
Then, I heard people saying “He’s here!” and there was a smaller circle of people farther, someone dressed in white came among them and he looked at me with a lovely smile. The sheikh in front and the “white” sheikh looked like sheikh Hisham and sheikh Nazim when younger but I knew that was not them.
Dream points to the gradual opening of your own understanding and progress, it is a good dream. Continue with your wazifas and focus on love of Mawlana.
Hajj Gibril Haddad