Dream: Yaa Rasulullah (saws)


I dreamt that I was running into a building yelling,”Yaa Rasulullah (saws)” and I came to a stop outside a room with an open door and I percieved Rasulullah (saws) lying upon a mattress covered upto the extent I could not see him and his staff was propped against the wall, though I believed and kind of knew it was him. Then I walked over to the room next to his in which I percieved my brother was sleeping then I awoke.


Calling upon the Messenger of Allah (s) falls in line with the du`a of the blind man the Prophet (s) saws prescribed for him to gain back his sight.

“O Allah, I am asking you (as’aluka) and
turning to you (atawajjahu ilayka) with your Prophet Muhammad
(bi nabiyyika Muhammad), the Prophet of mercy;
O Muhammad (ya Muhammad), I am turning with you to my Lord regarding
my present need / I am asking my Lord with your intercession
concerning the return of my sight

(inni atawajjahu bika ila rabbi fi hajati hadhih – “this dream reflects the Love that Allah has put in your heart for His beloved Muhammad (s) and that love makes you present with him even if you don’t see him, you recognize his presence, his signs and his sunnah (staff).

Wa ‘Allahu `alam

Kamau Ayyubi

reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

Calling upon the messenger of Allah falls in line with the dua of the blind man the Prophet
saws prescribed for him to gain back his sight.
“O Allah, I am asking you (as’aluka) and
turning to you (atawajjahu ilayka) with your Prophet Muhammad
(bi nabiyyika Muhammad), the Prophet of mercy;
O Muhammad (ya Muhammad), I am turning with you to my Lord regarding
my present need / I am asking my Lord with your intercession
concerning the return of my sight

(inni atawajjahu bika ila rabbi fi hajati hadhih – ”

this dream reflects the Love that Allah has put in your heart for His beloved Muhammad (saws)
and that love makes you present with him even if you don’t see him, you recognize his presence, his signs and his sunnah (staff)
Wa Allahu Alim

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