Dream: Yellow water



I had this dream the night after a family member created a big fitna between my father, mother, and siblings. The dream is as follows:

Shaykh Hisham comes to my house (where the fitna took place), he asked me to bring a glass of water for him. I went to the kitchen, turned on the faucet and saw yellow water flowing. By the time I took the glass of water to give to Mawlana, he had already left.

Please shed some light onto this. Thank you very much for your time and effort. May Allah bless all of eShaykh staff!



Alaykum Salam,

Very good dream. It means the fitna has been flushed out and the job of spiritual support is done, now build on it so you can drink clear water again in sha Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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