Advice on marriage


Salam, bismillah. I’ve been married for almost 3 years. I didn’t want to marry my husband at first because of the signs I got in my dreams (which became true). There were other reasons like (not wanting to stress my mother who had cancer..) that the marriage took place.
Until now, my husband hates Naqshbandi, hates our Shuyukh and its followers (calling them all stupid with no ‘ilm).  He often verbally abuses me. He threatens to throw all my Naqshbandi books, forces me to follow his ‘way’..He uses physical violence against me before for quite a number of times. I am alone in this country with my husband. No family. It has been some time that I kept all his actions secret from my family and friends for I don’t want to smear his reputation. I hope to know what I can do.


wa `alaykum salam,

Be patient and pray that Allah will change the heart of your husband. Give it a trial to Ramadan and if it continues like that after, then save your life by leaving him to his ways and you to your way.

Hajjah Naziha Adil

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