Dearest Maulana Sykh. Hisyam and Team,
I’m a working mother. My babies are now is 7 month insya Allah. I feel so hard to be a working mother, but indeed I prefer to work due to financial operations in our family. I had already read Du’a ayat Kursi that given by Maulana after Isya. But yet, I almost desperate because I feel in this office I don’t even get the added value here, my carrier will be stuck and seems like I should to develop my self further.
Please kindly advice, Ya Syekh.
When you do anything with sincerity and patience you never feel hard and desperate. Recite Ya Hakim, Ya Latif 129 times and Surah 42 ash-Shuara ayat 19 daily and Salatul-Tafreejiyyah 41 times as often as possible.
May Allah erase your difficulties.
Hajjah Faridah