assalamualaikum wr wb dear Sheikh,
My daughter aged 7 is in care with my brother and his wife. The social services placed her there because I was neglecting her. I’m a single mum (divorced) and I looked after my child as much as I could until I could not anymore. I am saddened of this separation and loss. To me I failed as a mother and Allah is showing me He doesn’t need me to look after my daughter. Now I live on my own and I live in loneliness. I failed my test with Allah. How can I be a good Muslim? How can I be a good servant in front of Allah? How can I prove myself to Allah? To me there is nothing left to do with my life except do the faraz of Islam. Please enlighten me with Allah’s light! jazakumullah kheir!
wassallam wr wb
wa `alaykum salam,
You are nearer to Allah Most High when you despair of yourself without despairing of Him. Don’t be sad, but continue with the fard and ask for His love and strength, insha-Allah the situation will improve soon. Recite 100 times astaghfirullah and 100 times Ya Wadud daily. Whenever you can, give sadaqa, even a little.
Hajj Gibril Haddad