assalamuwalaikum wr wb dear Maulana Shaykh Hisham,
Allah please forgive me if i am making what may seem like a frivolous request. my cat has been my constant companion for more than 16 years. When I am in prayer or dhikr, she comes and either stands watch or curls up by me. She has seen me through the darkest times of my life. I’m just trying to see her through this. Recently she has been behaving crazily, hissing and growling at everything, fighting her reflection in any shiny surface. one moment she is growling, Then next she is rubbing against me and crying.
Maulana, i know she is old. i just don’t want her to suffer so terribly. it grieves me to see her like this. please pray for my indigo. if there is anything i should recite to ease her, please let me know.
most humble and loving salaams.
`Alaykum as-salam
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham said do not keep the cat with you. You can take jer to a local shelter and request she be put for adoption. If you’re afraid they will put her down, then take her away and leave her at a distance of 50km or more and do not to worry as her rizq will come to her from Allah Most High.
Hajj Gibril Haddad