Guidance on wedding


My deepest salaam best wishes & love to the greatest Awliyahs of present time Mawlana Shaykh Nazim & Mawlana Shaykh Hisham. A few months back I requested a istikhara (my name is [private], husband to be is [private])to be done for a marriage proposal. MSH replied back with it being positive & go ahead with it. Alhamdoulillah we’re getting engaged. I would like some guidance from MSH on wedding dates, venue etc. I was thinking of May 5th (13th Jumada al Akhira). I am struggling with organising the wedding could you please tell me what date would Islamically be best for us both. Also majority of the venues have alcohol in the same building which I’m unhappy about. Could you please advise me would it be permissable or not to hold the wedding in such a place? I need help/guidance as I am alone in organising this event & want to please Allah Swt by doing right Islamically. jazak’Allah khair

wa `alaykum salam,
The best date is the one of earliest convenience to you. Venues are OK, as the important thing is that your event is halal. The best weddings are the easiest and most affordable.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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