Making an Islamic Will


Asaalmoalaikum; I have a few questions about an “Islamic” will where (I am told) the distribution of wealth is mandated by the Quran.
My question are:

1) Is the distribution of wealth/assets mandated by the Quran? If yes, are there situations where one can deviate from those mandates? Or is it better for me to simply follow the Quranic mandate?
2) What are the mandates of distribution in the Quran? As I understand it, one is leave something for one’s parents, spouse and children. Are there specific amounts one must leave for them?
3) My primary interest is the welfare of my wife and children. Can I just leave everything to them and apportion a smaller amount for my parents? Alhamdulilah my parents are not in need of any financial support from me at this time.
Thank you for your time and advice. Jazakallahu khairan.


wa `alaykum salam,

The root and modalities of inheritance (irth, which is non-negotiably apportioned by the Law) and bequests (wasiyya, which is voluntarily apportioned by the departed) are commanded by Allah and His Prophet in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and they are non-negotiable rights. The proportions of inheritance are specific to each of the categories of those who deserve them. For further reading see these links:

  1. How to make a Proper Will
  2. Guidelines on Preparing a will and testament Islamically

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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