Love & Marriage


I’ve been with someone for 5 years, we were suppose to get engaged after he graduated school. He met my brothers and mother. After 2 and a half years he started to change out of nowhere. I’ve been loyal n very loving. I treat him like a king. We never fought or anything. Out of the blue he changed so we started to argue a lot. My intention was to marry this man. I love him so much. We broke up. Can you please help me get him back. I can’t read or write Arabic but I speak it very well. I have a pure heart for him and feel like he is suppose to be my husband.

Please help me.


Write him to let him know of your feelings as you just described them, and ask him to clarify his. Recite Ya Halim Ya Wadud for 40 days and if no progress move on.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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