Marriage problems


I married at sheikh Nazim’s house. My husband asked me and Maulana for marrying about marrying me. He’s lot younger. We lived in my house in my country….Love, support, and respect to him increased. He returned often to his hometown, like he disappeared. Up to now he didn’t inform anyone there about our marriage. I feel unaccepted and unloved. This is his first marriage longer than one week. He never lived his own… Now after several months marriage he left our house without consulting me and went back to his hometown. After some days he asks me by mail to travel to MSN,# … that he’s a bad one, cannot be married, and he wants a divorce. Still, I love him, and want him back home. My teen-aged old daughter again is hurt. I need an advice about what to do now. I did my best as Allah swt knows the truth. Make dua for all of us.


It is important to make Istikharah prayer or ask for advice from others, consult and consideration before marriage. If you want him back, you might face the same situation. We can not change other people but we can change ourselves and move on to a better life. Recite Ya Latif 129x after salat and Salawat Nooraniyya as much as possible. May Allah open your husband’s heart for you.

Hajjah Faridah

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