I have done nikah with a girl but I do not know if it is accepted. There were two witnesses and a friend who occupied the role of wakil for the bride. All of us were above 18 years old.
I asked the girl (—- daughter of —-) in front of the three persons if she accepts to do nikah with me on an agreed meher three times and all the three times I asked the same way and she accepted. But all the 3 times I forgot to take my name (—- son of—-) Is the nikah qabool? Please explain a bit. Jazakallah.
wa `alaykum salam,
For the nikah to be valid, it is essential that at least two Muslim males or one male and two females be present to witness the nikah procedure to hear the offer and the acceptance (Ijaab and Qabool) being declared. Your nikah seems to be valid.
Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago