We are 2nd cousins, he lives in another country, but his intentions were always marriage. Mid September he broke contact off and said he didn’t want me aymore and that he didn’t believe in love any more especially with someone who lives in a European country as he wasn’t sure what I was doing…
I have been trying to get things back to how they were but he’s given me his final decision yesterday and he swore that he wouldn’t ever want me back.
Now with him being the first love of mine, I want him to be the last too and o want to marry this boy. My life has become meaningless without him, with him I am a better person, a better Muslim but now he’s gone I feel so lost
Please can you suggest anything?
Pray Salatul Hajat with niat and du’a, ask for guidance from Allah and if you are meant to be together; but if not then open your heart, there is always a right man out there whom you deserve better. Not all that we want is good for us and not all the bad that happens is really bad, there is wisdom in it, and Allah knows best.
Recite Hasbunallahu Wa ni’malwakil 100x after salat. May you have a clear mind and strong heart. Wasalam.
Hajjah Faridah