Marriage and istikhara


Salam alaykum,
Im in a nikah but at home as Im still trying to convince my parents, they got someone to recently do istikhara on me&my husband & that person has said ‘its not a good relationship?’ But I am in a nikah? Family don’t know anything about him.


A relationship based on doubt and secrecy from those who love you and raised you is not a good relationship. Let the prospective husband and his family make an offer openly as commanded by the Prophet — upon him blessings and peace.
A nikah behind your family’s back, i.e. unattended and unauthorized by your wali, is invalid. If your parents are unconvinced it means they disapprove, which means Allah disapproves. Seek what is halal and blessed in this important step in your life.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

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