I cook, clean, look after child, pain in body, everyday husband argues about cleaning, dont go out, don’t socialise, educated, stay home and take child to play at mums, he restricts me too. Doesn’t give money, not even £1 a week. Constantly do housework and care my child. He thinks because Mawlana let him lead zikr, he can sit on his computer and phone all day until 2 am, doesn’t communicate with me, blames me for everything, sometimes slaps me. Calls me dirty and shouts everyday, I do best. Want to stop praying to Allah, want to die. Tyrant-why Mawlana never tells men to be kind to wives? F’riends and sis’s have happy life, Im home tidying, husband shouts, now I shout back and swear at him too, what use is Quran and zikr when he is evil. I dreamt of Mawlana everyday. I wish Allah gives my life to Mawlana.
wa `alaykum salam,
In-sha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.
Many of Mawlana’s suhbats are addressed to oppressors, men and women. Listen attentively. In fact Mawlana’s suhbats are like cannonballs on the heads of the oppressors. Be patient in the face of tyranny, Allah always saves the oppressed, but sometimes one must wait.
Taher Siddiqui