my parents believe that someone is casting black magic on them 24/7


asslamalaykum, my parents for years think that a family member is alway casting black magic on them. my dad who is very uneducated has had some training in pakistan to break magic. he says he uses a child to communicate with the unseen. he has been breaking his black magic everyday for the past 7 years. i really dissaprove with this. for this reason my parents have turned against me and dont want to know me. every time i visit them they bring the subject up and fight with me saying very mean things. i have decided to stay away from them for now, plz could you tell me if i will be commiting a sin by keeping away.


wa `alaykum salam,

`Alaykum assalam you may put some distance as long as you neither break relations nor say ‘uff‘ to any of your parents. Recite Salat Tunjina/tunjiyya every day to your and your family’s intention.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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