i would like to ask you regarding a matter i am very confused in. in basic, there is this guy that i have strong feelings for. i met him alongside my younger sister in the past as my auntie sent me gifts through him when he visited this country. we come from the same origin, however he currently lives in another continent. AlhamduliAllah he is also a muslim brother. he has been in contact with me through emails at times. as a whole, i would like to ask you about the islamic way of handling these types of situations as my main intention is Marriage if Allah wills InshAllah. Jazak Allahu Khairaa.
wa `alaykum salam,
The Islamic way is to go through an intermediary for introductions and it is extremely important that your parents or closest living relatives know about your intention and support you in that. If not, problems may persist throughout your marriage. So since you have feelings for him, discuss with your parents/close relatives, and let them assist you in this blessed process.
Taher Siddiqui