still born baby


We have just given birth to a stillborn child of 8 months gestation. Following the law of the country and Sheikh Hisham’s awrad we have buried her as soon as it was possible (39 hours after birth) in a Muslim cemetery. We didn’t make the funeral prayers. She was born naturally but had been dead in the womb a few days and was visibly deformed, so it didn’t feel appropriate to wash her for fear she might deteriorate further. We had a couple of hours with her before the hospital took charge. In this time we had an angelic and tender energy with us which felt very blessed and we felt strongly to name her, which we did. Since the funeral some people have been saying that it is not correct to name a stillborn child. Did we act appropriately? Thank you for your time and efforts.


wa ‘alaykum salam,

Yes you did fine, with the exception that since the baby was born in the 8th month, she should have been washed, regardless of the deformity.

Make du`a for the child. Insha-Allah, may she be a treasure and intercessor for your happiness in Paradise!

W ‘Allahu `alam

Abdul Shakur

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