Submission to Shaykh’s will?


Assalamu alaykum,

When my wife and I have a different opinion/idea, and I hesitate to accept and support her idea, she immediately turns from friendly to a very staunch state. It always happens that if I don’t accept, there’s great conflict. I intend to seek guidance and ask refuge from complaining or backbiting.

Is it right for me to submit to what she wants with the belief/intention that it comes from Shaykh Nazim and it’s his unbreakable will and his riyadha, that things must go against my will and judgment? This has been the only way to keep peace in our home.

As soon as I submit, she turns from harsh to friendly again. As long as I don’t, even if I try to speak rationally about the issue, she refuses me, ill-feelings remain and our house is in chaos.

There were two suhbas that recently left an …


wa `alaykum salam,

You have mentioned the right answer and may Allah Most High increase you in patience and strength. Recite Ya Haleem 100 times daily, insha-Allah Allah will remove her hostility.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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