Assalamou Aleikoum wrwb,
I am a first-time mother of a 4.5 month old baby. Living in Canada, I am very fortunate to be able to take one year off from work to stay at home with my baby. This summer however, I will have to return to work and the thought of sending my son to daycare while I go to work is really difficult. But since I cannot financially afford to stay at home and not work, the solution would be to find a good job in my field (project management), that will allow me to work from a home office. Please pray for me so I may find such a job, to enable me to work and still be able to raise my baby at home.
May Allah bless you.
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah with Mawlana’s blessings, you will get the best job. Recite Ya Fattah 100 times daily.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani