Me and my husband are young studying at university. He’s a lovely person. However, I’ve been feeling extremely jealous whenever he spends time with friends.I see him every weekday and he spends time with me whenever he is free. I have to stay with my parents in the evenings then he spends time with friends. Because he has more free time than me he is able to enjoy time with others. I hate him becoming close to others it makes me stressed, I am very worried about the way I feel. It makes me so bitter and clingy when he expresses any affection/closeness towards them.
I’m aware that my jealousy will cause arguments and am desperate to overcome it. I feel upset when I know he enjoys time with others. I don’t feel jealous about family though.
Please give advice. Anything I can recite to control my jealousy?
wa `alaykum salam,
If you are unable to control your jealousy it may destroy your marriage. Allah wants us to be just so that our behavior doesn’t violate His commands to be just to anybody, let alone to one’s husband. I would recommend that you recite every day 1000 times Ya Haleem.
Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago