Bismillahir rahmanir Raheem, wal hamdu lillahi rabbil aalamiin, was Salaatu was Salaamu alaiyka Sayidina Muhammad.
As-Salaamu aliykum wr wb,
My question is about a hadith in Imam Nawawi’s Riyadh as-Salihiin. It is number 791 which is the hadith that mentions wiping over socks. My question with regard to this hadith is while it is written socks, is the word in Arabic khuff? Should this be translated as foot gear – or leather socks? As the meaning is ambiguous and could be misconstrued.
The edition of Riyadh as-Salihiin is translated by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, published by olive branch press.
Thank you and jazaka Allah khairun, As-Salaamu aliykum wr wb.
`Alaykum as-Salam,
You are exactly right on both counts, the original has khuffayh in the accusative dual with the attached possessive adjective, and should be translated either as foot gear or more precisely leather socks. The act of wiping on leather socks is related from the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, by over 70 Companions, Allah be well-pleased with all of them. This particular hadith is found in Kitab al-Libas, at the end of the chapter entitled Bab istihbab al-thawb al-abyad etc.
The Muhammad Zafrulla Khan translation is in elegant English and has received a nice edition, but the man was a Qadyani. Nevertheless, it is by and large a less misleading and more reliable translation than the Darussalam one.
Hajj Gibril