Betrayed and need help


Asalaam Alaikom
I met a mureed of Sheikh Nazim who was a 42yr old Syed man,was well spoken in deen.He was looking for marriage.Because he was a syed and had so much knowledge about Islam I trusted him and moved out of town to be with him.Its been 5months and no marriage,hes a drug addict he does nothing but feeds his drug addiction all day.I buy food cook,clean for him. he,his mother threatened me that he is a Syed and if I don’t do what he says I will be cursed.I dont want to sin no more.I have made a mistake but my intentions were to get married to him and become a follower of Sheikh Nazim.I only fell for the deen islam he knew.How can I get out of this safely I do suffer with mental illness, he said he would help me through Sheikh Nazim, but he lied.


wa `alaykum salam,

Being a Syed cannot make what is haram, halal, just as being a “murid” is not guarantee of character. There is no such curse, so leave him immediately and look for someone truthful and be sure to have nikah before living with him.

You may take online baya` with Mawlana Shaykh or visit your nearest Dhikr majlis (see and take baya` with the representative there.

Taher Siddiqui

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