Salam alaikum shaykh,
I once uploaded a photo of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, Hajjah, Hajjah Rukiya and Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet with his wife and daughter which was in England, and I received an order from Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet to have photos of his family deleted. I understand that his daughter who maybe unmarried or even married should not be seen by males in social media but it’s also a matter of privacy and people can put bad eye on them. Now in terms of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, many of us we use Hajjah’s photos and we also use Hajjah Amina’s photos, as in the west people assume that women in Islam are oppressed. Hajjah Naziha, and Hajjah Amina are strong examples of women in Islam that’s our intentions of using their photos. But there are other ladies such as az Zahra ensemble, are we not supposed to use their group photos? Since in social media many come and comment saying they are not mahram and their photos are not supposed to on social media. Also we don’t know people that view their pictures what kind of way they are looking at them. Is it safe for us to use photos like that?
wa alaykum salam,
Always weigh it with one simple thought, “would I like my sister, mother, wife, etc. to be seen on this social media?”
Taher Siddiqui