Thoughts of Houris leads me to watch Porn


Assalamu walaycum shaykh,
I have in the past made many sincere tawba, resolutions to stop watching porn, tried to fast, etc but it seems to be getting worse rather than better nothing is working. I know the damaging effects of porn but however, when the thoughts of houris (the women of paradise) comes in my mind. It sets off a chain of events that ends up me watching porn in order to satisfy my sexual desires. The descriptions of the houris mentioned in the books and the idea mentioned by some scholars about them are very explicit! This automatically causes images of sexual nature to appear in my mind. Increasing my sexual desires and leads me on to the path of watching porn. I desperately want to stop this evil and disgusting act but seem to some how fall in it time and again. PLEASE HELP!!


wa `alaykum salam,

Don’t blame your bad habit on Islamic teachings. You need to marry, that is the only solution that will have correct results. Before that however you must drop this bad habit, otherwise it will haunt you even after marriage. You may use 12-step program or any decent means to stop in-sha-Allah and Allah will support you when you make tawbah fully and move towards Him. Don’t despair if you fall back, but repeat your tawbah and continue to fight your ego. The first step I recommend is to take baya` to a Shaykh of Guidance who will support you spiritually in this jihad against your lower desires.

Taher Siddiqui

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