What to do?


aslmalykum ya mumin

Jazakallah for trying to assist me and listening to my concerns.

I married young and close to Ramadaan month. in the month of Ramadaan myself and spouse unfortunately committed error of being intimate while fasting (having intercourse). How do we go about making istighfaar for these occurances and correct the mistake? I understand that they say fast consecutive months but that would mean unveiling the error…it would concern people in the household and friends. out of haya it seems like a difficult predicament. please adivse us?

peace and light. May Allah keep us on the straight path. Ameen


wa `alaykum salam,

Perhaps part of the expiation prescribed by Allah is the aspect of embarrassment, so this cannot be helped, and Allah knows best.

See the Post “How to expiate for breaking fast deliberately?

Taher Siddiqui

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