black magic, nazar or ill health?


My friend since years has had some sickness or the other, and not small like flu or fever, high blood pressure, migranes, heart pains, kidney pains, etc, visiting the hospital is common place now for him, same with his father and he had a constant heart problem, and he passed away, and now his mother is also very serious in the hospital and it isnt the first time for her either. His name is [priv] and his mothers name is [priv]. Could you please tell me whats wrong with them? Has someone done something to them because they own their own company and MashAllah they have done well for themselves, and people have always had a problem with that.

Please pray for them as well and tellme what should they do or read?



wa `alaykum salam,

Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is praying for your parents. Let them continue treatment by physicians.

See the Post “Prayer Request: for black magic“.

Taher Siddiqui

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