Assalam Alaykum Ya Sayyedi.
I am a 34 year old married woman with no children as of yet. At the age of 17 I was diagnosed with chronic left-sided Ulcerative Colitis. I was told at that age that this is for life and the risk of getting bowel/stomach cancer is increased. I was also told that when I have children, I must have a caesarian section. I am currently in remission alhamdulilah. However, this disease has ruined my life and I struggle to carry on day to day like a normal healthy person. This disease had also given me other problems such as raised cholesterol and acute depression. Please Shaykh Hisham, make duaah for me to live a healthy life and be rid of this disease. I want to be healthy and have healthy children inshallah. Also, could you kindly give me a wazeefa as well? Thank you
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah I will pray for you. Fatiha.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
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