

Asalaam Alaikum.

I know that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim has said not to do mammograms. Is there any thought on whether to have a colonoscopy or not? My doctor has suggested it, but I don’t want to do it without knowing what Sh. Nazim says regarding this.
Thank you


Wa `alaykum as Salam,

One of Islam’s aims is the promotion of good health. Good health allows us to serve Allah by serving others and bringing happiness to their hearts. Mammograms and colonoscopies are ways that physicians can detect problems that can hurt our health. Certain colon polyp disorders lead to cancer unless diagnosed by colonoscopy and treated.  Others may or may not lead to cancer. These tests also have potential risks as may occur in the pursuit of false positive results or complications of the procedures. In each of the decisions to utilize or avoid these tests or other medical procedures and medications a physician will weigh the risks and benefits and try to choose what is best for the patient.

These procedures are allowed by Islam as is seeking medical advise. Due to the countless factors involved in each medical decision it is not possible to give a blanket statement about any one procedure. It is very important to find a physician with whom one is comfortable as every one has their own point of view about weighing risks and benefits.

In general Mawlana prefers a conservative approaches in medicine that utilizes more natural means of treatment but he did NOT encourage his countless physician and surgeon students to leave their occupations and become herbalists. Rather he encourages them to excel in their fields and utilize wisdom in medical decision making for the good of humankind.

Dr. Hesham Bazaraa

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Information on this site is NOT intended or implied to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Those should only be sought from your physician or appropriate health care provider. This information is only provided as an information resource and is NOT to be relied on for diagnostic and treatment purposes. It is NOT intended as patient education, and NOT a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment and does NOT establish a patient physician relationship.

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