Prayer Request:
Mawlana, please for God’s sake, Prophet’s (SAW) sake and Mawlana’s sake pray for me. I am a threat to others. I am evil and manipulative. I have zero empathy. For God please pray that I get cured! I dont want to be a manipulative munafiq! I beg you please!
As salaam alaikum dear brother!
May mercy encompass you and those around you. May Allah relieve us all of the pain and sorrows of the Nafs al Ammara and lift us towards Nafs al mutmaina and His Divine Pleasure!
If you have a diagnosis of a personality disorder it would be good to follow up on a therapists recommendation. DBT Dialectical Behavior Therapy and group therapy could be helpful.
It’s important to practice recognizing our intentions and documenting our behaviors in writing upon ourselves what good and bad issues out of the self and making tawba through the Prophet (s) and confessing our wrongs asking forgiveness as in the ayat of Quran 4:64
…and had they, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Apostle had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful.
We should never despair of the mercy of Allah nor should we abuse his favors by hurting each other. May Allah help us all!
May Allah heal and guide us all to his straight path!
Wa Allahu Alam
Kamau Ayubbi